Back Pain Physical Therapy
Back Pain Physical Treatment may be a useful way to ease low back pain. Back Pain affects an estimated 31 million Americans a new study says. Researchers from La Trobe University observed that ‘many patients with low-back disorders persisting beyond 6 weeks do not recover. Physical therapists have long known that personalized physical therapy helps to reduce back pain and promote mobility. This approach was recently studied in their effectiveness in reducing lower back pain. The with an Australian study suggesting that tailored therapy may be more successful than general advice. The study included 300 patients who were split into two groups. One group received 10 weeks of personal Physical Treatment and the other group of participants only received two advice sessions providing instruction on proper lifting techniques. Back Pain Search results showed that the group who had personalized physical therapy had a greater reduction in activity limitations along with less back pain. Those who only had guidance essentially saw no significant change. Physical therapists, therefore, are knowledgeable experts in the field. They are able to provide sophisticated treatments to their patients suffering from chronic lower back pain.